Finis has a freestyle snorkel that we will begin to use during free and pull sets at practice. This is not mandatory for the groups but is a great tool to help with body alignment when swimming free.
Parents - As all of you know we are beginning to have some "winter" weather for Houston. The Rec Center has been working with what the baseline "air" temp can be with out affecting the regulated pool temp. They have been using the manufactures recommendation on the heater temp up to this point and will now begin apply real world adjustments to the heater temp. This week has been chilly and rainy already with more to come later in the week. With the rain last night the current pool temp is going to be a little chilly today. Please keep this in mind for tonights practice. I wanted to list a few things RICE Aquatics is initiating with the Rec Center to help regulate the temp. through out the day. These steps will start tonight and continue through the upcoming months.
We will need swimmer help to pull the covers in a timely manner so please be aware they may stay in the water 5 mins over what their usual practice time is if they fall within the timeframe of pulling tarps. I wanted to assure everyone that RICE Aquatics will not have practice if the pool temp is not acceptable for our groups. If you have a smaller swimmer and are looking for some holiday gift ideas here are a few: Thermal Suits. TYR, Speedo, and Finis make some variation of a thermal suit or thermal shirt. I have not used them but know teams that have. See you guys at the pool, Coach Jason |