Parents and Swimmers - I wanted to send out a quick email regarding signing your swimmers up for swim meets. Prior to getting into the details a quick reminder that we will have a "New to USA Swim Meets" Parent Meeting on Wednesday, September 28th from 5:00 - 6:00 pm. This is a must attend for any parents with swimmers new to USA swimming. We have this meeting once a year so even if your swimmer wont be attending the first meet you will want to attend for future meets.
Many of you may have already received emails regarding the upcoming meets that have been posted on our website. As we get info on the meets and add them to our site an automatic email goes out by group for the meet. Because it is sent by group and not age you may recieve an email for a meet that your swimmer can not attend. Please disregard emails that do not apply to your swimmers age or current time standards. In this email there will be basic info for the meet. Start and Finish Date, Registration Deadline, Click able link to "attend this event", the event link for more information and a basic description of the meet.
To begin comtting your swimmer to this event click on the "attend this event" link. This will brring you to the event sign up page. You should see your swimmers name listed on this page. By click their name a new page appears with a drop down box and a comment box. You can eitehr select "Yes, please sign up ____ for this event" or "No, please do not sign ______ up for this event". Select which applies to your swimmer. It does make the registratoin process easier for the coaching staff if you select to "do not commit" instead of not selecting an option. You can also leave a comment in the comment box such as " we can swim on Saturday an Sunday" or "we can swim on Saturday but have to leave no later than 2:00 pm". Any additional information you leave will help the coaching staff when choosing entries. If you log in and commit your swimmer with a good lead time to the event it will allow the coaching staff to discuss entries with your swimmer. When no information is left the coaching staff will assume your child is swimming in every session of the meet.
Once you select to "commit them to the event" a new page will appear with event options for the meet. (If the meet file is not yet available this option will not appear.) You can then select events from the ones available. These are used as suggestions from the swimmers when the coaches begin the entry process. The coaching staff will have select the events that your swimmer will swim in the meet. These may or may not be the ones suggested through the sign up process. If your swimmers events have been accepeted they will have a check mark next to them. If they have been rejected there will be a stop sign next to them. Any event with out a check mark should be viewed as not yet approved.
More information will be covered in a litte more detail at the parent meeting as well as the actualy pre meet, day of and post meet process.
See you at the pool,
Coach Jason