Friday, October 21, 2011

Saturday Practice

We will have practice for the following groups tomorrow 8:00 - 9:30 am:

Group 3
Group 4 White and Navy
Senior 2 not attending the meet this weekend.

I would love to have a large group stay after the meet and watch the Miami vs RICE meet at 11:30 pm. The meet will run around 2 hrs in length. I am going to be running the computer system so I would like anyone under 16 to have an adult with them. This is a great oppurtunity to watch a collegiate swim meet. Dual meets go much more quickly than Age Group USA meets. 

On a side note: Volunteer hours can be earned by having your responsible older swimmers time at these collegiate meets anyone in Group 4 and above is capable of doing this ;)

See you guys at the pool,
Coach Jason