Parents and Master Swimmers- I wanted quickly thank everyone who has signed up to help run a smooth meet at our pool. Due to the size of meet we have grown into, we will be having to change our job sign ups and times. I am not sure if this will affect current assigned positions or not. Please log back in tomorrow in the morning to make sure you are still committed to work at the meet.
If you have not signed up for the meet we need your help. The meet has more than doubled our expectations and our volunteers will need to do so as well. For many this will be the first experience with RICE, RICE Aquatics and our new facility and we want it to be a great one. USA Swim meets run smoothly because of the volunteers who work behind the scenes. All the jobs are easy to manage and learn with out any background training. I will be emailing out times for next week that I will be running through volunteer jobs and the meet process. These will be held Monday - Thursday of next week. Even if you do not have a child in the age range of this meet, how the meet runs will affect you or your swimmers directly. These meets will be able to generate some income that may in the future go to enhancements of the team and facility that everyone will benefit from.
Again I am currently adjusting the sign up times so please log in tomorrow AM for the new adjusted jobs and times. I would like to have a good idea of where we stand by Monday's meeting.
See you guys at the pool .... and signing up online ....
Coach Jason