Champs Meets are approaching and I wanted to put out a few thoughts about managing the pre meet items. This is a very short list of things for swimmers to think about pre meet and pre race.
Don't Bookend Practices
- Don't self taper by not showing up to practice the day before a meet or the day after a meet. If the coach thought not having you in the water was the best plan we wouldn't have expected you at practice you just missed.
The Calm Before the Storm
- Sleep Well. Make sure you are getting a good night sleep a week out of the meet. This means taking care of homework early, laying low from going out, and no jumping out of trees.
- Get fuel in the body.
- Monitoring your calorie intake if you are an older swimmer and on a longer taper period.
- Keep fluids in your body.
- Eat Carbs but don't over load.
- Make sure you are getting carbs in for breakfast the day of the meet but stay away from heavy meets.
- Show up in RICE gear. Hoodie, parka, t shirt and etc.
- Be on time and find your coach and team mates
- Warm up with the team in the assigned warm ups. (These are the ones prior to the start of the meet.)
- Fake it till you make it! Have confidence in yourself and your swims. Looking like you know what you are doing is half the battle. Even the best planned seasons and tapered swimmers can foil a swim pre race by worrying and having low confidence.
We will be covering this and more with swimmers over the next two weeks at practice