Friday, September 25, 2009
Senior 1,2 and Age Group 4 Saturday Practice
Signing Up your 10 and Under for Meets

I discussed at the parent meetings that all 10 and Unders had to be dive certified before entering a meet. I also talked about the coaching staff giving their approval on swimmers in the Age Group 1's prior to attending their first meet. In order to keep the meet sign up process as streamlined as possible we will follow these steps for signing swimmers up for meets.
1 - Once the event is posted sign up by "committing to event" on our website. In the comment box type the days you can attend and possible events.
2 - Once the event is deadline passes for online registration the coaching staff will review all entries into the online system.
3 - If your swimmer is not dive start certified or the coaching staff wants them to get more work in before their first meet we will remove them from the entries and email/call/contact you.
4 - All other entries will be posted once submitted.
Again we will have a swim meet meeting coming up soon to go over the process in depth. But until then there are meets to sign up for online. When in doubt send me an email and I can try to answer your questions. Remember the swim season is long and hopefully your child's swimming career is much longer! So we want a great positive first impression with the meets so we will make meet decisions on an individual swimmer basis. If your swimmer is not ready for the first meet this does not mean they are not working hard or doing well, just need a bit more time before they are ready.
See you at the pool next week,
Coach Jason
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A note about using the Autry Pool until the Gibbs Pool is Ready
The new Barbara and David Gibbs Recreation and Wellness Center grand opening is Friday at
2pm. Please join us!
The old pool will continue to be open on Saturday, September 26th until the new
competition pool is complete. Please begin using the back entrance to the pool. We will no
longer be using the temporary metal building as an entrance. You can now follow the palm
tree lined path just past the Tudor Fieldhouse and towards Reckling Park. Follow the edge
of the building around to the left and arrive at the shallow end exterior pool door. You
will be asked to show your Rice ID to enter the pool area. The rest of the old Recreation
Center will be closed after Thursday. Please note that the old pool is closed on Friday as
we get ready for the grand opening of the new building.
Programs, classes, and swimming lessons will continue in the old pool until the new
competition pool opens.
See you at the grand opening,
Liz Harwood
Assistant Director for Aquatic Programs
Rice University
From a previously email to all members of RICE Aquatics.
Parents- Listed are a few practice changes due to issues related to moving the current Rec Center into the the new Gibbs building. After these closures we should be in the clear for no pool closures until we are in the new pool A reminder that we will still be in the current pool until the 50 meter pool is open. This will be at a later date than when the Gibbs Rec Center opens. As soon as I have the date I will let you guys know. Until then we will be in the current pool.
No Practice Days
There will be No Practice this Friday September 18th for any group of RICE Aquatics. The Rec Center will be moving equipment and supplies into the building all day.
There will be No Practice Wednesday September 23rd and Friday September 25th of next week for the same issues involving the Rec Center.
Schedule Changes
We will have normal schedule Monday and Tuesday September 21st and 22nd
Thursday September 24th both Group 1’s and Group 2 will practice 4:45-5:30. We will be a bit crowded but will work on starts and turns using both ends of the pool. Groups 3,4, and Senior will have normal schedule.
Again thank you for being patient during the transition and as soon as I have more info on dates I will pass them along.
Coach Jason
Monday, September 21, 2009
Body Suits
At its annual Convention on Saturday, over 400 USA Swimming Delegates, representing swim clubs from all 50 states, voted overwhelmingly for early implementation of a ban on high-tech swimsuits. The legislation, which will go into effect on October 1, regulates swimsuits worn in all USA Swimming–sanctioned competitions.
The Amendment to Rule 102.9 reads, in part:
“All swimsuits shall be made from textile materials. For men, the swimsuit shall not extend above the navel nor below the knees, and for women, shall not cover the neck, extend past the shoulder, nor extend below the knee.”
Textile fabric is defined as material consisting of natural and/or synthetic, individual and non-consolidated yarns used to constitute a fabric by weaving, knitting and/or braiding.
The legislation will go into effect here in the U.S. three months before FINA, swimming’s international governing body, is expected to implement the same rule for international competition.
“As an organization, we have been working with FINA and other swimming nations to find a solution that will ensure a fair and even playing field for all swimmers, and that will ultimately advance the best interests of our sport,” said Chuck Wielgus, USA Swimming Executive Director. “With Saturday’s vote, our membership has sent a clear message that it wanted this action taken sooner, rather than later. We hope that this action will put the emphasis back where it belongs – on our athletes, their training and hard work.”
The regulation will apply to all levels of USA Swimming meets.
Click here to read the official correspondance on this issue.