I discussed at the parent meetings that all 10 and Unders had to be dive certified before entering a meet. I also talked about the coaching staff giving their approval on swimmers in the Age Group 1's prior to attending their first meet. In order to keep the meet sign up process as streamlined as possible we will follow these steps for signing swimmers up for meets.
1 - Once the event is posted sign up by "committing to event" on our website. In the comment box type the days you can attend and possible events.
2 - Once the event is deadline passes for online registration the coaching staff will review all entries into the online system.
3 - If your swimmer is not dive start certified or the coaching staff wants them to get more work in before their first meet we will remove them from the entries and email/call/contact you.
4 - All other entries will be posted once submitted.
Again we will have a swim meet meeting coming up soon to go over the process in depth. But until then there are meets to sign up for online. When in doubt send me an email and I can try to answer your questions. Remember the swim season is long and hopefully your child's swimming career is much longer! So we want a great positive first impression with the meets so we will make meet decisions on an individual swimmer basis. If your swimmer is not ready for the first meet this does not mean they are not working hard or doing well, just need a bit more time before they are ready.
See you at the pool next week,
Coach Jason
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