Friday, May 6, 2011

CFSC Swim Meet

Parents - I am passing on this from the meet director for the CFSC meet. The meet will be strict on the circle in policy regardless of traffic, transportation from the parking lot and etc. Please arrive EXTRA early to accommodate for any possible scenario. The coaching staff will not be able to pull away from Warm Ups to circle swimmers in for the meet. 

I have also added sign ups for parents bringing tents for the meet. I would guess we could use 3-4 pop up tents for parent seating. These most likely will be set up in a grassy area closest to the parking lot. The coaching staff will have a tent set up poolside for coaches and swimmers (as many as can fit). The meet is going to be large and most likely go past the timeline so make sure to bring the essentials. Water, Food and snacks, extra towels, games to play, chair and sunscreen.

 Please have your swimmers at the pool in time for circle in.   We do not have room at the pool for people to park.  The swimmers will need to be dropped off and then the parents need to park at the elementary school and take a shuttle to the pool.  Please let your swimmers and parents know that they will need to give themselves extra time for this and come to the pool early.  With over 500 children swimming per day, circling in will take time.  With the new circle in procedures, I can't express enough the importance of showing up early.

Coach Kyle will be at the meet on Saturday and I will be there on Sunday.
Coach Jason

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Partner with RICE Aquatics

Check out our new partner on the website. . The partner's logo is listed in the bottom right hand corner of the site and is a clickable link.

Saturday Practice

There will be no Saturday practice for Age Group and Seniors due to multiple swim meets this weekend.

Warm Ups and Timeline

Warm Ups and Timeline are now available for the CFSC and FCST swim meets this weekend.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Group 1 6:15 Practice Time

Just a reminder that there will be no 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm Group 1 practice time for the month of May. All swimmers in the 6:15 class can swim earlier with the 4:45 or 5:30 groups.
See you at the pool,
Coach Jason

Rice Masters Swimmers Paella Patio Party

Rice Masters Swimmers Paella Patio Party

What:          A Masters swimmer’s social dinner catered by Casa de la Paella rather than being held at a restaurant.

When:          Friday, May 20 after evening workout (approx. 7 pm).

Where:         823 Lamonte Lane, Houston 77024, home of Al Thomas (straight north of the pool on Shepherd, N of the North Loop, maps to be provided)

The Fare:     Wonderful paella, salad, bread and libations

The Cost:     $12-15 per person (estimated)

Attendees:    Masters Swimmers coaches, spouses, significant others – maxed out at 60 persons (this is about double our previous largest attendance, so we should be safe).

The Procedure:         Send an email to reserving your spot(s) by 9 pm Monday, May 9.  When we have the total count, the cost per person will be determined and you will be advised.  The actual count has to be given to the caterer on May 10.  Payment can be made at the event.
Masters Swimmers, 
If you were recently swimming with RICE Aquatics Masters and are not committed to our Summer 2011 session which runs May 1st - Aug 31st. The time has expired for online registration through our website. On Monday you may find that your RICE ID has been de-activated and will not work to gain entrance into the building.
  • If you are not planning on swimming with RICE please ignore this email. 
  • If you are intending on swimming with RICE this summer you will need to email Coach Jason directly and bring a check to your first practice if you have not paid for the session. Swimmers will not be allowed back into practice until their accounts are up to date. 
Thank you in advance and see you at the pool,
Coach Jason and the RICE Aquatics Coaching Staff.