Swimmers and Parents - Now that school is back in session, the winter break is over and there are no more holiday practices it means Champs season is right around the corner. All of the RICE swimmers have been working hard the last few month with next months champs meets in mind. I wanted to send out a quick email running down the meets that are upcoming so parents can plan accordingly.
Feb 18th - 20th: Spring Champs 1 @ CFSC- This meet is for all 12 and Under Swimmers. Swimmers must have a time to swim an event in this meet and there is no minimum or maximum qualifying standard for an entry. 13 -14 year olds who do not have "A" times can swim in this meet as well.
Feb 25th - 27th: Spring Champs 2 @ TWST - This meet is for 13-14 year olds that have A times and is open for all 15 and Over swimmers. Swimmers must have a time to enter an event in this meet. 15 and Overs do not have a maximum or minimum qualifying time for this meet.
March 10th - 13th: TAGS @ Dallas - This is a qualifying meet for 14 and Unders who have achieved the TAGS time standard. Swimmers can only enter events they have TAGS time standards.
March 3rd - 6th: Sectionals or American SC @ Austin: We will be attending one of these meets for our Senior swimmers that qualify.
A couple notes on things we will be emphasizing during practice with all the swimmers.
1 - Sticking to your routine. It is very important as we close in on these meets that we stick to the practice routine and not miss swim days. One day out of the water takes two days to get back to the same place. This is especially true as you get older your body does not recover well from missed practice during the taper phase.
2 - Hydrate, Rest and Relax. Its important that swimmers lay low and limit other sports and activities during the champs months. Most groups will be resting and working on fine tuning racing skills os extra energy will be the norm. No jumping out of trees. As the older swimmers bodies recover and prep for racing they are susceptible to illness so stick to the HRR approach.
3 - Focus, Focus and more Focus. Skills like starts, turns and race strategies will be stressed to all groups. This is a great time to get these skills down. This is also a good time to refocus your goals for the meet. Post them up on a wall or mirror for a constant reminder of what you are wanting to do.
4 - Have fun. Its a fun time to race and go fast so lets enjoy the meets.
We will have more info coming out over the next couple weeks.
See you at the pool,
Coach Jason