Friday, February 4, 2011

Parents and Swimmers - Hopefully everyone has shoveled their driveways and doorsteps. While the day seems to be a little nicer than the forecast suggested the current pool temps have dipped a little to low for practice tonight. The pool will remain covered for the day so Saturday practice will be a go. 

The following groups will have practice:

Masters - 8:00 - 9:30 am
Group 3 - 8:00 - 9:30 am
Group 4 -  8:00 - 9:30 am
Seniors - 8:00 - 9:30 am

We should have a full pool in the morning so be ready.

See you guys at the pool,
Coach Jason

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Another cold day at the pool yesterday. Great job to all those who came out in the sub 32 temps for a little swim.
Parents and Swimmers - All groups will have No Practice tonight due to the temps, wet weather conditions and road conditions. Masters will also not have practice on Friday am. Please check the blog for more updates.
Coach Jason

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Masters Practice for Wednesday Night

There will be practice on Wednesday night for Masters. This is a change from our previous announcement.
Correction to my previous email. Coach Seth hopped in the pool and the temp is good and the sun is out. We will have group 3,4, and Seniors practice 4:45 - 6:00 tonight. If you can't make it into the pool that early, get here when you can. Groups 2 and below will remain cancelled for today.
See you at the pool,
Coach Jason
All Groups will have NO Practice for tonight due to dropping pool temps. Masters Wednesday morning practice is also cancelled. Please check the blog for updated practices times for Thursday.
Coach Jason

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spring Champs Video

Group 1

Parents - Lets go ahead and move all Group 1's to the 4:45 - 5:30 practice time for tonight. We are going to continue to update and monitor not only the temps but the wind chill for our younger groups. We will move into the wet classroom for swim videos and instruction if the coaching staff feels the temps are not acceptable for practice. Please check back to the blog for more information prior to leaving for swim practice. 

Coach Jason
Masters Swimmers - There will be regular scheduled practice tonight 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Wednesday morning practice will be canceled with temps in the low 20's. Wednesday night and Thursday morning will be announced no later than Wednesday morning. Please check back to the blog and website for updates concerning swimming this week.
Coach Jason
IF you are a high school swimmer who usually attends a few mornings a week this applies to you as well.

Practice Tonight

Parents - Swimmers with a forecasted drop during later practice hours all group 1 practices will be moved up to 4:45 - 5:30 and 5:30 - 6:15. Please send your swimmer in warm clothing, extra towels, shoes and etc. I would also fill a thermos up with hot apple cider for them to sip on during practice times. As always please use your judgement with your own Group 1 swimmer when assessing the weather conditions and their swimming.

See you guys at the pool .... bundled up!
Coach Jason

Monday, January 31, 2011

Spring Champs Information

Parents - There has been a little confusion on two fronts for the upcoming Spring Champs meets. I wanted to clarify these two items. 

1- Spring Champs 1 @ CFSC is for all 12 & Unders who have swam a USA swim meet. Swimmers must have a time to enter the event and there are no cut off times for events. 8 and Unders can swim 100's of a stroke only if they have a time in the 50 of the same stroke. This meet is also a meet for 13-14 year old swimmers who have a time that is slower than an A time.

Spring Champs 2 @ TWST is for all 15 and Overs who have a time in an event. It is also for 13-14 year olds that have an A time in the event they are entering.

2 - The Spring Champs 1 @ CFSC has a corrupt meet file that displays the meet as 1 session and 1 day. You can view the PDF located on the bottom of the event page for the correct listing. The events for Friday are 1-4, Saturday 5 - 26, and Sunday 27- 50. As always you can type the days you can or can't attend into the comment box for the coaching staff.

See you guys at the pool,

More District Meet Results

Listed below is additional results from this weekend.

Moving on to Regionals from Saturday events:

Rachel Moody - 200 Medley Relay, 200 Fr Relay, 100 Br and 50 Fr.
Tony Miller - 400 Fr Relay, 200 Medley Relay, 50 Fr and 100 Fly.

Tony Miller earned a new Sectional time and 2nd place finish in the Fr while Rachel Moody earned a Sectional time in the 50 Fr and 100 Br.

Congrats to all swimmers and there will be TAPPS results from this weekend as soon as they are posted.